
6 Benefits of Email Marketing for Family Lawyers

benefits of email marketing

When it comes to marketing your family lawyer’s business, email is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. Email marketing has been proven to be an effective way to gain new customers and increase revenue for countless businesses. Here are some benefits of email marketing.

1. Build Trust With Your Subscribers

Studies show that email marketing is one of the most trusted forms of online marketing. The 2007 Andis U.S. Trust Index showed that email marketing was the most trusted form of marketing, with a trust level of 74.2 percent. The following most trusted form of marketing was search marketing at 58 percent. The research also found that 70 percent of consumers consider email marketing very useful, higher than any other form of online marketing. So email marketing is a great way to build trust with your clients.

2. Drive Traffic To Your Website

Because consumers trust email marketing, people are more than willing to click on the links within an email to learn more about the advertised business or product. This can lead to large amounts of traffic that you can use to lead people to your website or the websites of your affiliate partners.

3. Measure Your Performance Results

Email marketing can give you precise insight into the performance of your business. Using the tools available in email marketing software like AWeber, you can track everything from how many new emails were sent to how many people clicked on a link to how many of your emails were opened. This data is essential for improving the performance of your business going forward.

4. Find Out About Your Audience

Email marketing is also a great way to learn more about your customers. When you start an email marketing campaign, you can ask your customers you sign up to give additional information about themselves, like which countries they live in or their income range. This information will help you better target your audience for future campaigns.

5. Increase Your Conversions

Email marketing can also help you get more customers. Studies show that the average open rate for email marketing campaigns is around 28.54 percent. This means that for every 100 emails you send out, 3,855 people will read your email at least once. This is much more effective than other forms of marketing like print advertising, direct mail, and billboards. Because of this, email marketing can help you get more leads and customers for your business.

6. Produce High Return on Investment (ROI)

Email marketing can help you get more customers and leads, but you can also increase your revenue through email marketing. The ROI of email marketing can be extremely high. For example, studies show you can get around $26 in revenue from email marketing for every dollar spent. This means that you can get a substantial return on your investments from your family lawyers.


Email marketing is an essential part of your marketing efforts for any business. There are many more benefits of email marketing.

Family Attorney SEO is your law marketing agency for intensive negotiations over divorce, child custody, and other family-related matters. You might be surprised to hear that e-mail marketing is one technique you should turn to in this modern day and age.  If you need email marketing for family law, call us at 833-353-4842 now!